Friday, June 21, 2013

Small distressed blue and cream end table with wax coating

This was just a quick little project I did to kinda test out some methods and paint colors.  I have been trying to find a creamy beige that isn't too yellow or turn yellow when stain is added. 

So for this piece I painted the bottom in a country white, white was still to white so I added about an 1/8th of a cup of some medium brown.... Which took forever to mix since the paint can was so full lol 

I also initially painted the whole thing a medium brown. I find you get a better transition from the natural wood to the painted color when you paint brown first 

For the top and parts of the bottom I just took a power sander to it. It wasn't the best idea, because the sand paper I was using had a strong grit, but I went other it with 120 and then did some hand sanding 

After that it was waxing time I put extra wax in the really distressed rough areas, and the result was smooth as a baby's booty. 

This is available on for 64.00
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