Saturday, June 1, 2013

Back from the honeymoon and ready to sell off all the stuff I used

So I think I had posted a few of the items I had been working on for my vintage themed wedding. Now that it is over :( it is time for someone else to get some use out of them.

                     So this is the vintage dresser I redid for the sign in and gift table. Got it for $10 at a garage sale the same day I got the cake table. 
 I first sanded the whole thing down to bare wood. Well in most parts there were a few creases I couldn't quite get to and had to just sand those areas lightly so the paint would stick.
It was pretty hilariously when I went to sand the top. Since it was a flat surface and the veneer coating was taking forever to sand off I decided to try my luck with the belt I think of myself as a pretty strong girl, but when I turned that belt sander on the thing threw me across the dresser like I was nothing lol.  I called my radio ask if there was any special tricks I was missing and he just started to crackup saying he wished he was thereto see that lol, so I videoed my next try for him. 

Here are just some detail shots

After I sanded and sanded and sanded I whipped out the paint. I used a light blush pink. One thing to remember when you are distressing furniture and using stain is to pick a color slightly lighter than the color you are going for, because the stain will slightly darken it. 

So once the paint had fully dried I started to sand again to get that distressed look the. I used a dark wood stain and did a few drawers at a time, whipped them down and did three more and so on. Once the stain had fully dried I used a clear wax, rubbed it on, let it set and rubbed it off for a nice smooth protectant finish. Then put the handles on and viola sign in table. I think this would be really cute in a babies room adding a changing to the top too. 
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