Friday, September 4, 2015

Free china cabinet made into a beautiful sofa/entry table

So I got this for free and I am always down with free stuff. Even if I end up not doing anything with it I can just give it away or throw it away if it is in really bad shape. In the case of this one the top was definitely in bad shape. It needed new shelves new glass since pieces were missing and a whole new bottom piece of wood. So instead of spending a bunch of money on that I just worked with the bottom. Here is a before picture.

And here is the after.

This is where I learned that you can print black and white images 42" wide and as long as you want. I was just going to glue the image on so I went to the front and asked them to print the image I had made from a vintage image of New York.  The girl said ok it's ready for you at the back and it was only $4.30!  The last large image I printed there was just over $175 so I was shocked. But I guess when it's black and white and no wider than 42" it uses a different machine and paper which is awesome.

My father in law had been saying why all the Paris stuff and my reply was that so much goes with Paris, for example the fluer de lies and the scrolls. But New York is pretty amazing too and since I wanted this to be pretty simple with just the image and painting I went with the New York skyline and black white and grey for the painting. I'm really into the black white and grey right now for some reason but it's great because if I am doing images they are SOOO much cheaper and it's fun to play with the vintage images you can find.
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