Friday, September 4, 2015

Image Transfer on old French dresser

This dresser was in some serious bad shape and with the amount of layers of paint on it I was not about to sand it all off, so instead I sanded what I could and decided that I would do an image transfer on the front to disguise all the imperfections on the front.  For the sides we used a skim coat, which you are supposed to use on walls when you are plastering to give it a nice smooth surface.  It worked wonders.....And it was so easy to sand off the plaster coating.
The before 

The after 

So I painted with a cream color paint and then I researched and researched and researched how to transfer an image onto furniture.  There were so many different ways and the way I wanted to do it was with paint thinner and you rub the image onto the surface, then go over with a sharpie or paint...kinda like tracing.  But every place I saw said to use a laser print and that it will only work with a laser print......well I don't know what I was doing wrong, but I went to kinkos which only does laser prints and the transfer method never worked.  It did however work when I used a print from my old printer, which I can't find the cord for so that was worthless.

Here's the image I used:

SO I found the mod podge method, which is time consuming and comes out looking very antique looking.  I liked the look it is just a lot of work.  You take an enlarged inverse of a print and glue it face down.  Then after it has had at least 6-8 hours to dry you get it wet and rub away the paper.  Sometimes more than you want comes off, but since I am going with an antique look it's not too bad. I am just working on perfecting where the papers meet since instead of paying kinks $60 for enlarged print I went to and it prints it out on several sheets for you.

A bit of advice double and triple check that you are putting the paper on the right way and in the right spot, because it is a pain in the butt to get the paper off if you do it wrong....which I DID.
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  1. Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to try both methods on some bottles first before attempting my dresser. 😊

  2. No problem. Makes my day when I get a comment. It tells me I'm not just writing this stuff for nothing lol. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to know where to get any certain images.
